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Frequently Asked Questions

9:19 AM MG Renders | Anime
Do I need to ask permission to use your renders?
All of my renders are free to use, you do not need to ask me permission to use them.

Do the renders do it yourself, or do you collect the renders of other people and publish them here?
I do them myself, absolutely all renders of this page I did them.

With that tool you cut pictures?.
With the pen tool of Photoshop.

Where did you get the images that you cut ?.

I have an image that I would like to request as render, I can request it ?, and where can I?

Why do some renders have a different logo?. Did those renders make them different people?
No, all those renders I made myself, the reason they have different logos is because over time I have been changing logo.

Only you make ecchi and hentai renders?
Yes, since they are the type of renders that I can do more, but not because of this I neglect the quality, despite being a website only of ecchi and hentai, the quality of renders is always my main priority and not the quantity Of renders, if I can not get the quality I want in a render I prefer not to upload it

How many people work on this website?
Just one person, that's me.
Do you accept more members in your site?
At the moment no, since my website has always been personal.

How can I contact you? 
Through private message on my twitter account @MGRenders